
Being whole

Embracing your soul in dance

Finding your inner temple

When you move you are in the center of your being. Moving from your head into your whole body. The flow of free dance brings the attention to all your cells and molecules, energizing them with new, fresh energy. You can switch your perspective easily - when you feel stuck in your mind (which often expresses itself in a rigid movement), you can easily turn around, move to different levels or places in your space or just shake it off. The beautiful (and sometimes also scary) thing is, body and mind are directly in connection. But this also means, when you change a movement, change something physically, you can loosen up your thought patterns as well. Maybe you know the feeling, in a massage, when you are at a beautiful place, in nature… your head becomes empty for a moment. In that moment you just are - no chatter of your mind, nothing you have to do, you are just enjoying the moment.

In therapeutical dance we challenge ourselves by choosing ways we normally don’t go - exploring our playful sides, moving our bodies in ways we normally don’t move, using our imagination, allowing ourselves to dance and move how we want to. We experience joy, freedom, aliveness.