Your Story

You feel there is so much more in you than you live in daily life. You have ideas, dreams, visions for your life / this world. But when you look at your daily life, you are still busy with a lot of other things – and not your dream or dream-state. 

Maybe you can feel this in your body – through tension, pain, tight shoulders, stiff neck, an aching back. There doesn’t seem to be that flexibility, smoothness in your body.  And you also feel it in your emotional state – stress, frustration, feeling depressed, empty or highly irritated. You are focused on duties, to-do-lists – even when you feel, this can’t be everything in life. 

You know that certain things are not helpful, not doing you well – those long hours behind the laptop, stress to finish a project, never-ending demands (from the outside world, but maybe also your own inner voice). But somehow it seems impossible to make a change. This step outside seems just too big.

You are a sensitive person, you want to do it right. You are empathic, you try to take care of other peoples needs (and also really try to care for your own needs). But, there seems no time. You are exhausted, burned out and many times you can’t even feel yourself anymore (your needs, wishes), there seems no space anymore for yourself.

You know all that already, you are aware of it, you made already certain steps, changes in your life towards your dreams and fulfillment. Still you feel stuck at certain points and need a push, a fresh perspective, a new spark.

If this is Your Story (or at least parts of it), then you are at the right address. I am familiar with many of those topics. Although my dream and passion was very clear already from a very young age, I wasn’t always following what I knew (deep inside me). Out of a lack of trust, confidence, expectations/worries/fear. Step by step, layer by layer I had to come back to my „natural“ (my dream) state again. Physical issues/discomfort disappeared, my life became much more fulfilled (on a daily basis), I attracted people, circumstances, situations in my life that served me. Of course this is an ongoing process…

More about My Story and journey you can read in this Blog Post + Podcast and in “My Story”: 

When you hope now it’s a magical „pill“ that you can take and all is different tomorrow, I have to disappoint you. But, on the longterm this is a path to all your desires.

Already one massage, one Dance Therapy Coaching or Workshop can have the effect to know again what’s important for you, to waken up your dreams, desires, passions, to feel whole, connected and relaxed again. From there the work continues. The „work“ itself is actually coming closer and closer to yourself. Letting go of anything that blocks you and holds you back on this path. Getting to know yourself so well, that you still have those triggers, emotions, symptoms, patterns, but you know, how to get out of it again.

From there, a beautiful relationship develops. A healthy relationship with yourself!