Your Gifts

Your Gifts are my gifts and the other way around. If you are generous with your own gifts, the world will gift you so much back! How to be conscious in that process… and make the most out of it.

We are all born with certain gifts. Some we know since we are little, some might just develop over the years. It’s not so much important what our gifts are or how many we have, but what we do with them, how we use them. It’s our responsibility to make the best out of them. And once we made that choice – everything and everyone will help us to develop them further. Even the pain, suffering or blockages will eventually bring us to a better place than where we started.

We are born so rich

Sometimes we might ask us: so what’s my gift? Everyone seems to be better than me. Or, we have the feeling that no one sees our gifts. And then we let them die slowly or hide them (as it doesn’t seem to matter anyway).

It does matter!

As I said at the beginning: my gift is yours and the other way around. If we share what we are good at, we help other people – through our service/act, but also through inspiring them to do the same with their gifts.

If you are still asking yourself… “well, what’s my gift? I am not specially good in anything…”

Then I invite you to sit down, take a piece of paper and write down everything that comes up in that moment that you are able to do. If nothing comes up, then go through your days and note what you did well, in conversations, routines at home, in your work (“I was able to listen well”, “I could give a good advice to someone“, “ I had a lot of endurance when I was running”… ). You will see, once you start writing, more and more things will come up.

A cocktail of qualities…

For me it was always clear that I have a talent for dance. It was the thing I’ve always loved doing, and it has been quite easy for me. But actually there are many qualities connected that make me a good dancer. For example my sensitivity, my listening qualities, my openness, my enthusiasm… Qualities I can also use in other areas: in massaging, in coaching people… in my relationships, in connecting people, leading/organizing projects.

Lately I helped out in a bar. And even there, although it was definitely not in my comfort zone, I realized how much I could use my “gifts”. Sensing the whole place, connecting with people, feeling what’s needed. You can approach everything you do from that place of “making use of your gifts”.

The more love you add, the better the cocktail tastes

At the end there might be a few things standing out or qualities that play a role in more areas you are good at. You might be very sensitive, practical or a good socializer. And don’t be shy in this. At least for yourself you can be very honest about your traits.

Once you noticed your qualities, try to see them more and more in your daily life. And then nurture them! Spend a bit more time with the things you are good at, put a bit extra attention on it. You will see, your quality will grow further.

A wholesome cycle

You will attract more people and situations that fit to you and your gifts and (who) nurture them even more. And all of a sudden, you are at this job, where all your qualities come together, you are in this relationship that seems like a “gift”. You became the best version of yourself. More satisfied, more in balance, more energized. And this is a real gift – to yourself, but also to everyone else.

So, don’t hold back, don’t compare yourself with others… your gift is your gift and when you use it, you shape it. You grow into it. You create your own special cocktail. And at the end it’s not so much about your gift anymore, but it just feels, as if this is the most natural way to live. To just be yourself!

If you want to discover your gifts or strengthen them, I invite you to a Dance Therapy Coaching or one of my Workshops. Through our body in movement, our qualities show up quite quickly. And from there we can nurture them further.

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